Tuesday 12 February 2013

Shock Horror UK not in the Eurozone

This is beginning to bug me, the number of people out there in the real world (as opposed to the fantasy world that you live in - ed), who think that we are in the Eurozone seems to be increasing. We aren't. We still use the £ (GBP) and as much as it pains me to say it, this is the one subject that I agree with old Gordy on (what about the change to late payments to small businesses? - economics ed), that is staying well out of the Euro and keeping the Pound.

Just for your information, we are in the European Union (EU), since 1993, formerly known as the European Community (EC), formerly known  European Economic Community (EEC) or 'Common Market' , formerly known as European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).

The Eurozone is the set of countries who use the Euro, which accounts for 17 of the 27 countries in the EU and we are one of the non-members. Do I make myself quite clear here (calm down, calm down love - ed).

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