Tuesday 12 February 2013

Problem Solving Real Slow

Whoa there boy, what are you talking about - surely you want to solve a problem right now now now (no more  caffeine for you today - medical ed).

What I have found is that, "If you are confronted with what appears to be an insurmountable problem today and you are getting nowhere, simply stop thinking about it and instead move on to something else. Look at the problem again first thing the next morning and suddenly the solution will just pop out at you."

I have lost count of the number of times (> 0x32 ;-) - ed) I have solved what one day appears to be an insurmountable problem (mostly chasing down coding bugs, or coming up with an elegant solution to a coding problem) by doing just this; but I would imagine that it works for most problems. Reckon mulling over something is a long forgotten talent in this 24x7 (is that like a 4x4 - ed) world.

What would be really handy would be able to take a "N-Minute Unconsciousness Nap - But Really Not a Power Nap" (tm)- to let your brains unconscious work it all out for you and then wake up lively and alert (really - ed) with the answer on the tip of your tongue. However, waiting until next day works fairly well for me. Good thing I am not working in banking, as a "Sell, sell, sell" order that I pondered and left to decide upon tomorrow may well cause my manager to "Fire, fire, fire"  me.

There are some interesting books on the subject of think - the one that readily springs to mind and I quite like is "Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: Why Intelligence Increases When You Think Less".

Anyhow, this is a slight aside post as I was trying to get to the end of the "Taxing Matters" post that has now been delayed even further (sigh - deadline ed)

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