Monday 25 February 2013

Self Congratulation

I always make a determined attempt to miss all of the awards ceremonies that seem to permeate the ether (TV, Radio - ed)  and also not to read any coverage in the printed world, sadly this pap even gets into the serious papers in the UK, grrr.

It was particularly difficult this morning. BBC Breakfast was broadcasting poor old Tim Muffet, who had the dubious privilege to be on the red carpet at the Vanity Fair after Oscars party, where he was visibly shoulder to shoulder with other news reporters vying to get a word from random numbers of so called celebrities who were walking by behind him.

Why bother? What is the point? Snippets of comment from people who are famous giving their views on other famous people performances in various films - it is so pointless. Is real life so lacking in actual uplifting news that the entire media industry has no option but to provide this, this, this utter self-congratulatory drivel to fill the air-waves and column inches.

Why is this deemed to be news? It is simply just empty mind filler for those with empty minds. It simply panders to people who like famous people, so called celebrities, many of who are simply famous because they were temporarily partnered to some other temporarily famous person.

There has been award ceremony after award ceremony since the turn of the year. Each of them where all of those involved in film and TV congratulate each other in such a revolting sycophantic manner. Just stop it the lot of you!

What have these people done to make the world a better place? Have they brought food, water and medicine to people whose lives are at risk from famine, disease or living in dangerous parts of the world, no they haven't. They have appeared in some film or other that other people who are involved in film vote for as being good to some degree or other. No money and politics involved in any of this at all.

So who gives two hoots (twit twoo - ornithology ed) about this. Give me some real news, not more self congratulatory nonsense. I am looking forward to the day when I can set a filter on all data (internet, TV, radio) coming into the house; no more than that, what I actually want is a reality filter to stop all this utter twaddle getting anywhere near any of my senses.

Walking through a newsagent over the coming week or so is going to be absolute hell for me, all of those magazines with garishly bright pictures of beautiful people in their beautiful garb at the summit of this years award ceremonies, The Oscars. Just give me a break from it.

So to finish, some of you (particularly Ralph, from near Anchorage Alaska reader, thanks for the contact, Great photo of you in the lumberjack shirt, but you really should wear a little more than just that - (blood) circulation ed) might think that I don't like all this celebration of celebrity.... you would be entirely right.

(The author wanders off muttering quietly to himself and disappears into the near distance - ed)


  1. You read papers?

    I have to admit that i probably agree with whatever you wrote but i considered that even reading the ranting was granting too much time to the celebrities.. so i only scanned it !! Sorry.

    I am pleased that your Alaskan reader has said hello..Do you hope to go global?

    1. I read the occasional physical paper, even pay for it too, though not of late. The Times (spit snarl Murdoch), has a very good puzzle section, including anagram of the day, where you need to make up words out of the anagram, where the goal is to reach good/very good. General knowldedge questions, word definitions - all the lovely stuff that is scheduled to appear a pending post "Word Play", you've got an exclusive on that, unless I mentioned it as part of the N posts I had pending....

      Like the idea of not reading the post to support the idea of giving no time to celebrities, right on! (are you sure - circulation ed)
