Friday 15 February 2013

Hold your horses

Where is the next post? It has been hours since the last one. Just get a move on, why don't you.

Sorry folk(s) (still no comment from my reader in Alaska - guess it was just a piece of software after all, sigh  - ed), that is not how it works.

Let me just state this, in my humble (you humble - rhymes with crumble - and that was and still is a great apple crumble Bridget, trying and failing to cover the St. Valentine's lack of flowers - ed) opinion that:

"You cannot rush a good thingThink nine pregnant women trying to produce a baby in a month, it just ain't going to happen."

So, for all of you software project managers out there who think throwing more people at a software project is going bring it in on time, you're wrong. Can I suggest reading the classic software book The Mythical Man Month and Other Essays on Software  by Fred Brooks. If you are involved in the software business (and I would argue with many other businesses too - business ed) you really should have read this. It was written a long time ago, but then so were many other useful books...

Is there a point to this, yes, well, I woke at 1 a.m. (just what is it with these early morning wake ups - health ed) this morning and proceeded to knock out a number of post titles with thoughtlets about what they would cover. I had thought that there wrere only about seven, but just checking my draft posts here in Blogger land  I have discovered what appears to be seventeen (17! Trusting the draft post counter are we - software ed).

So, if you are waiting for the next full edifying installment (of various random thoughts - ed), you are going to have to wait for a little while. Apologies in advance, however, if you are reading this in the future, when these are all posted,  simply ignore this bit of text.


Some of the pending post titles, to whet your appetite (ooh, crumble for pud this evening as well - food ed) are:

  • Ashes to Ashes (death and grief )
  • Freelance Contractors (potted history of contractors, IR35 and related subjects)
  • Angels On My Shoulders (good and evil inner voices)
  • Oxford's Underground Cathedral (Collins clan fables)
  • Thoughtlets (about thinking small thoughts)
  • Full force of the law ('Da Government' and the 'Horsemeat or Horse meat Scandal', David Cameron, application of the law)
  • Stream of Unconsciousness (thought processes and a how to embed them symbolically in a post)
  • Politicians Uh (What are they good for...) (politics, democracy)
  • Barbados (about a honeymoon holiday - with colour photos!)
  • Black Dog (depression and in passing Winston Churchill)
  • Your lying eyes (why what we see isn't actually there)
  • Wish you were here (words that strike a chord deep within us)
  • It's One O'Clock (busy dreams, nightmares etc)
  • Spending matters (Government expenditure - maybe with some colourful charts)
  • Emotion (control or lack thereof of emotion and consequences of its repression)
Well that was the list this morning, hohum, seems like I have a lot to get through.

BTW Painting

I do have a date with destiny (nice girl - ed), to do another painting. I cannot give you the status of the painting mentioned in the previous post, "Charlie the dog"', which is provisionally titled , "Charlie, I'm keeping an eye on you".  However, when it is all done and dusted I will post a photo of the original dog and the steps in my attempt at dog portraiture. Early indications is that all is going well with it.

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