Monday 11 February 2013

Our Tax Pounds

I like the way that citizens of the USA and their politicians talk about 'your tax dollars', whereas we here in the UK seem to think that the money that the 'Da Government' (tm) takes from all and sundry is their money or 'public spending', as it is more colloquially known,  is theirs to do as they see fit.

However, as annoying as this might seem, we have given 'Da Government' (tm) a mandate for this confiscation. We generously give them mandate by means of a 'General Election'. What do we get in return for this mandate (for state sponsored confiscation), an MP.

This MP, who may or may not be in a party that we support (or dislike the least - ed), and who may or may not represent our views on one or in fact many subjects, will represent us in the House of Commons. Now, given that there are some 650 of the blighters, at least until the next election when it will be reduced, what chance do we have that 'our' MP will be able to affect any kind of spending by 'Da Government', well if the MP is:

  • not a member of the ruling party
  • not on the front benches
  • not on one of the standing committees
  • spending all the time fiddling expenses
I would hazard a guess at, none whatsoever.

Wonderful isn't it [cf Winston Churchill quote - ".. democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time" - ed)  - I reckon someone should take MPs to the Trading Standards saying that we are being 'sold' something that it is fit for purpose.

The other point to note here is we get this vote only around once every 5 years. You would think that given today's technology that there might be a bit of a better way to have a real say in how our money is spent? Really do wonder why there is a none of the above option on the ballot paper (come up with a better system them - ed) and if that wins a majority of seats we should have a rethink on how our democracy works?

Let's start a petition to force politicians to use 'your tax pounds' rather than 'public spending' as it more accurately reflects where the money comes from.

On a more topical note, maybe we think we are ordering steak (beef - ed) and seem to always end up with horse meat!

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