Thursday 21 March 2013

Flaming Hot Pickled Onions Batman

Our favourite butcher, Norman Reads, over in the nearby town (without a soul - ed) of Four Marks, which also has an embedded cheese shop (no Python sketches, thank you - ed) had a new item on their display table the other weekend. What was that I hear you ask?

Yes it was the, intriguingly named Flaming Hot Pickled Onions. These are very strong pickled onions, with chillis added. Never heard of this combination before, so had to give them a try, I mean what else could a poor boy do?
Simply, wow, I mean, wow, well actually I mean, WOW.

Absolutely incredible, now I like pickled onions, shallots, well any pickled onion like substance. But the addition of chillis just takes them to another level of wonderful.

The first one I ate caused so much zing in my mouth that I unintentionally drooled, (never a good sight to see a grown man drool - ed). It was that flavoursome, my taste buds just didn't know what had hit them, or indeed what to do with this unbelievable combination of flavours (or the excessive drool - ed).

Luckily for all, and to stop further damage to t-shirts and jumpers (he's that kinda guy readers - fashion ed), we have come up with a plan. So simple (in retrospect - drool control ed), cut them into quarters, that way eating a quarter at a time doesn't cause the consequent drool overflow my mouth (wonderful - any more details you'd like to share - culinary ed)

Here is a photograph of the jar, to show that I am not joking (seriously not joking - truth ed). 

Popped back to the butchers a little earlier on today to get some more, only to find they had none left, but they did have a couple of jars of cocktail onions with chillis, so bought them, and also asked two have two jars of the large onions put by, the next time there was a delivery. The staff at the butcher's had no clue when the chap would be delivering again. If push comes to shove come make my own, now that I know what a killer combination this is (any bacteria left in your mouth after that first whole onion? - ed)

Strangely, for something so fantastic, there is no name or address on the jar to say who makes them and where they are made. If I find out, I will let you all know, as these zingy wowy zowwy (perchance were you listening to David Bowie taday - music ed) things are the best thing ever to bring life back to a tired mouth.

In case you were worried that I hadn't ranted enough about the Budget, I have another post in the offing about the so-called Millionaire's tax cut (careful now, he is primed and could go off on a rant at the merest hint of interest - economics ed).

But I have been a little busy today to get it finished. Seems that another painting is gestating. May well be another Birthday present, but very hush-hush so absolutely no information until the Birthday has been and gone.

Naturally once it is officially on display, I will  put a link to the many stages of the painting, from not quite initial sketch (was a bit of a bugger to get it into the right shape - ed) to completed article (as I am sure you would all love to see it - art critic ed)

Post Script
It is sad to report that the chap who created these beauties has stopped making them as his labelling was not up to scratch according to Trading Standards.

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