Monday 18 March 2013

Commentless in Gaza

I have no way of knowing (aaaah, says the crowd - ed), whether anyone finds anything that I am writing interesting or not. I know from the stats that the wonderful Google show me (until they remove it or start charging you, Google Reader anyone - cynicism ed) that someone or something is creating page view statistics (and I have had to agree that I don't, darn it - circulation ed)

Bizarrely, ever since I opened up the comments so that anyone could comment (well after I have vetted it so stop spamola etc - editor ed), the small number of comments has plummetted (one t or two - spellchecking, hmm, will go with two - ed) from a very small number, to 0, yes ZERO. Just what are you all up to out there?

Mutter, mutter, mutter, frizzin, razzin, Dick Dastardly...

But, never mind, I shall not dint (lovely word - logophile ed) in my efforts. Comment or no comment, I shall bravely march on through the year trying to evoke some kind of response from you all.

What I do need to do, is try and publish some of the draft posts that are sitting behind the scenes of this page, just waiting for a fresh coat of varnish before being pushed forth out pnto the storm tossed ocean that is the great Interweb.

Some time ago I gave a list of the posts in the offing, in the Hold Your Horses post if I remember correctly (of course you do you fool, you have just put in a link to it - exasperation ed)

So, removing the ones that I have finished and posted (hmm, not as many as I thought - circulation ed). Here is the updated list of outstanding posts, seems that I have managed to do four (what only 4 - circulation ed). Remember all of these are in the offing... if you would like to ask for any particular one to be raised in priority then you may....

  • Freelance Contractors (potted history of contractors, IR35 and related subjects, ... started but a long one and getting longer as just popped over to add some more)
  • Angels On My Shoulders (good and evil inner voices)
  • Oxford's Underground Cathedral (Collins clan - started almost finished)
  • Stream of Unconsciousness (thought processes and a how to embed them symbolically in a post)
  • Politicians Uh (What are they good for...) (politics, democracy)
  • Barbados (about a honeymoon holiday - with colour photos!)
  • Black Dog (depression and in passing Winston Churchill)
  • Your lying eyes (why what we see isn't actually there)
  • It's One O'Clock (busy dreams, nightmares etc)
  • Spending matters (Government expenditure - maybe with some colourful charts, ...started  but keeps going off message and other posts being created instead)
  • Emotion (control or lack thereof of emotion and consequences of its repression)

You must understand there are many things that I have to do, and some of the pending posts are going to be quite long, and there is all the news that intrudes that I sometimes need to comment on.... the whole world is continually moving and I have to move with it (are you daring to give reasons for your failure - ed)

So, on your marks, get set, go, comments please!

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