Monday 26 November 2012

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

So what is this blog about? Hmmm - hard to say really. I plan to give my views on many subjects - this might elicit opinions from others (assuming anyone reads the blog - ed) - and that would be fine. My views have room to change and I am sure that I will get things wrong and argue both sides on the same subject just for fun - as I find it gives a certain perspective.

But what kind of subjects I hear you say (well not really - the voices in my head have gone into abeyance at present (appears the drugs are working - ed) ).

Software development and project management are a couple of things I have some views on. Do have some hands on experience of that over the last few decades (and didn't they go quickly.) and some of it is very probably worth sharing (don't sound too sure - ed)

Politics will definitely be in the mix - as I am now of an age (gone on tell us how old - ed) where I think I just about know enough to give fair comment (fair? - ed). 

Economics (he reads The Economist - ed)  is a favourite for a good rant about the inability of economics to explain what has happened, what is happening or what will happen.

There will be the occasional photograph - probably of the sky (proud member of  The Cloud Appreciation Society - thanks Tom)  

Interesting Clouds Above Bristol Temple Meads Startion
Above Bristol Temple Meads Station - October 2008

or trees (particularly trees in Autumn - and Autumn 2012 in the South of England has been outstanding.) 

Tree with Autumn Foliage - Red Leaves - Hampshire 2009
Though this is from 2009!
There will almost certainly be the occasional photo of a painting thrown into the mix - as it is something I have taken up very recently and seem to enjoy. There is nothing quite like the mix of good music, white spirits and oil paints to get the creative juices flowing.

Blue Cornflowers - Impressionistic - 2012

Nearly forgot the books - I am an avid reader (though he appears to have slowed down of late - ed) and will highlight books that I think are worth reading and some that are not, but naturally only of books that I have read. The genres are from software development, economics, business, popular science, history, fantasy, science fiction etc. Eclectic taste moi?

What about music. Well might mention a few of the things that I listen to on occasion, I will listen to anything with no preconceptions (wow - what about Rap? ed)  in case I might like it. Though have to admit I still like my music in physical form - started from vinyl - still lurking in the attic - no turntable any more (sob) - and still buy CDs. Why? I worry about Vendor Lock-In.

There are bound to be other subjects that crop up (though I can tell you for certain that there will be no talk of celebrities or soaps - as I neither follow or watch either)

So who is the ed character that pops up with a certain regularity. Used to read Private Eye and liked the comments by the editor - ed. As this is not edited by anyone other than me - a few asides from an imaginary editor in my head appear to me at least as necessary. We will see how it goes.

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