Wednesday 28 November 2012

Child Support Agency - CSA

Well I for one would like to give this much maligned organisation a pat on the back.

I have been dealing with them since July and after a slight initial hiccup they have been brilliant! Great telephone support and knowledgeable staff to boot!

Now for many reasons, that I am just not in the mood to talk about (ooh ooh hark at her - ed) ... yet;  I have had to deal with more than my fair share of large organisations of late. Just don't ask. The disappointing thing is that my customer experience has generally been poor. One moment, no, that is too generous, rubbish would be more appropriate.

The ability of organisations to lose information (is it an ability - ed) , ask for the same information multiple times, ask totally irrelevant questions, use no longer relevant information, magically lose physical mail and then miraculously find it when challenged is quite simply breathtaking. I have had to jump through hoops and then some more hoops and to cap it all more hoops!

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