Wednesday 28 November 2012

Governor of the Bank of England

It is wonderful to read in the papers that a new Governor of the Bank of England has been appointed. What is astounding is that everyone (well politicians, The City etc.) seems to think he is a good selection. The man on the Clapham Omnibus was not asked as the answer, 'Who He?', doesn't make for good television.

What I understand is that he is going to single handedly save the Economy! It is therefore such a  disappointment (for a girl - ed ) that he is not due to start the job until July 2013.... makes you wonder whether the Economy is going to continue to flat-line until then or maybe we should all just hold our breaths until he arrives.

So what happens in the mean time - we shall have to hope that Merv the Swerve will continue to pump billions of pounds into the coffers of the banks. It seems to me that in the not too recent past farmers were paid large amounts of money to not grow stuff, not it is the bankers that are on the end of this largesse, they are being thrown large amounts of very cheap money, but they don't lend it! That wonderful phrase, 'Go Figure!', leaps to mind like a somewhat uneasy gazelle.

A song also comes to mind, 'Banks Uhhhh - What are they good for! Absolutely nothing, say it again'. Maybe the dark winter nights of cynicism are coming in early to roost.

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