Monday 20 January 2014

Esmerelda Blenkinsop, the January Muse.

"Oh no!", they gasp, "Not another painting! Haven't you got a job to go to?". Well not yet, interview today, so we shall see how that pans out.

Our Australian friend, Esmerelda Blenkinsop, who has been visiting since just after Xmas, sat down with me last week and we went through a few thousand of my photos, to try pick a half dozen or so that would make an interesting painting.

The result of the first of these paintings and the steps towards its completion, "Mahogany Avenue", and the photo that it is based on is here if you are interested to see.

The rest of the photos that I am going to try and emulate with oil and perspiration are here. If anyone, (Yes, anyone of the few people that follow these musings, naturally excluding Esmerelda - ed) would like to comment on which one they would like to see me attempt next, I would be most grateful, as it would save me having to decide.

Anyhow, have a train to catch to London to a late afternoon interview, so all suited and booted, you can wish me luck is you want to (why? - ed). 

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