Monday 24 April 2017

Anguish In Aberdeen - The Sixth - This Time It Is Personal - but not quite yet

There has been a break.

What kind of break I hear you ask? Well certainly not a Kit-Kat (tm - obviously not my trademark), but a break from writing about the infamous trip to Aberdeen.

For those of you who have managed to stay the course (and there was me thinking that a 'stay' had something to do with whalebone and the constriction of young ladies bodies into unnatural shapes - haven't a clue ed), there was been a bit of a break from the ol' writing the blog post.


Do you think it is ever wise to ask me a question like that, as you know you will get an answer, you just may not like it very much, Oh, it will be long, wandering, obtuse, full of emboldened trademarks for ludicrous ideas (what are you saying, that sounds like your normal posts - Ed the ed) and come to sudden stops in a plethora of brackets, braces, italics and indentation....


Why, why, why Delilah was there a lack of posts.

If you had been paying attention, (the number of you sitting in the back row seems to keep on growing at an alarming rate - hey you in the jail - ed), you would have realised that I changed contracts back in October/November 2016, moving from a contract near the Southbank (Londong as it is known now, as I believe that most of it has been bought up by Chinese investors - echo-gnomics ed)  and to a new shiny contract based in Aldershot.

The immediate consequence of this was; that the daily commute on the train dropped from a 'time enough to get my s*** together and do some writing', to a, 'barely got comfortable on the seat before having to get off'.

This means that my writing time has been severely curtailed (and my tail still needs bandaging every night with a new dressing. The nurse, Rosey Dawn is here first thing every morning to see to my needs. As far as I understand, the use of the word, suppurate has been somewhat over used but apparently this kind of thing happens more often the older you get. The other word that seems to be being used with my weekly visit to the Doctor is 'fester'- dr ed)

To the point, if there is one

I thought posts were supposed to be short and pithy (like my helmet - explorer ed). Well that hasn't worked very well in recent times has it. Given my stream of unconsciousness dribble (don't you mean drivel? - literary ed) I think that boar has sailed (you must mean 'Your boat has sailed' - ed).

Aberdeen wherefore art thou

So, yet again, the idea of a Sixth post on the trip to Aberdeen has raised its ugly head.


Well I ...

(when I say I - I actually mean - we -  Bridget is coming to ensure that sanity prevails, and Uncle Mike - him of the Panning for Peppercorns post fame is coming for the laughs - just the facts ed) about to head to Scotland again - though not to Aberdeen but Inverness, Ullapool, Skye and the other place that I can't seem to remember for more than a moment or too.

So it is bringing up memories of the last fateful adventure in Scotland back to the front of my mind (just a little off the sides and back please Mr. Barber - ed).

Sadly this post will not be that particular post - but it is there in my head, bubbling away.

Do not be discouraged, it will appear, but as ever, not quite sure when!

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