Friday 18 January 2013

BBC's Snow Joke

Well the BBC are at it again. Sending reporters out across the country to stand in snowstorms reporting that it is snowing. How the traffic behind them is managing to keep going (due to gritting and snow ploughs (really - ed))), but on the side roads and minor roads it is dangerous and drivers should take care and only go out if they have to.
Why why why do they do this. Do their reporters get danger money to go out in manky conditions and state the b****** obvious. Does no-one at the BBC think for one moment that most people have the merest inkling of common sense?

They even had a guy overlooking the M5 near Taunton to show that the lane 3 (as it is technically called the reporter said - though everyone else calls it the Fast Lane; though not if you are on the M25 on AnyDay (tm) of the week during peak times) is covered in snow and that the other two lanes are open. They then bring a chap from the IAM (nothing to do with cat food, but the Institure of Advanced Motoring) to remind drivers to keep to the clear lanes and give enough space to the driver in front in case they stop suddenly. They should be doing that whatever the conditions, argh!

We love the weather in this country, I mean it was only a few weeks ago that they were sending out reporters to stand in the middle of flooded high streets in the pouring rain and tell us that it was raining and the town, village, hamlet was flooded, and that drivers should only go out if they have to.

It was only last Spring (2012) that they had reporters standing on the edge of muddy pits (reservoirs) or in the middle of bone dry reservoirs stating that the water levels were very low for the time of the year. This was the proven by the cameraman panning to show the total lack of water or the muddy puddle that was all that was left of the previous winter's rainfall.

I wonder if there is some BBC a weather pay grade that you sign up for. Can you see it, all the reporters up North will be asking to get put on the Snow Grade to report on Snow (as there is no point to be on it in the South - as we never get snow (apart from now - ed)), the reporters in the West (probably Wales) will sign up for the Rain Grade to report on Rain, the reporters in the North West of Scotland will get the High Winds in Winter Grade to report on High Winds in Winter. There is probably a Cold Winds from the Continent grade for the reporters in East Anglia and Kent.

Maybe the BBC just state the obvious to cater for the lowest common denominator.

You can tell that people are listening, as there is no milk and RawToast (tm) (aka bread - ed) available in the supermarkets!

I think it is time for a decent, harrumph. (I didn't get a harrumph from that guy in the corner - name that film - ed)

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