Thursday 6 February 2014

Scottish Referendum

I think that it is great that the Scots are finally getting a vote on, "Should Scotland be an independent country?"

Now this is a very straightforward and easy to answer question.

What I fail to understand is why the rest of the United Kingdom doesn't get to have a vote on it?

Surely such a question affects the rest of the countries in the Kingdom as well?

I, for one, would be over the moon to be able to be able to vote, "YES", to allow Scotland to go their own way.

Mind you, they can't be allowed to keep the pound, for that you need a currency union which involves the pooling of Sovereignty and the Bank of England being the bank of last resort, and we can't have that if they are to raise their own taxes.

One massive benefit would be that the Faslane nuclear submarine base would be moved out of Scotland as soon as is possible (the SNP don't want it there, really they don't, it's in the 'Scotland's Future' document - ed) and I am sure there are many places around the rest of the country that would like thousands of well paid jobs that that move would entail.

Have had a quick glance at the Scotland's Future document, and the strange thing that I have noticed is how often the 'bedroom tax' is being mentioned, no idea why.

Can see why the Labour party wants the Scots to stick with the rest of us, as they stand to lose so many Westminster seats, that they would struggle ever to win an election outright.

1 comment:

  1. This is in relation to your picture not your words of wisdom David. It was Bruce who was blinded by the light. Then it was Manfred Man!
    Hope you're well!
