Thursday 20 February 2014

Alex Salmond and SNP whinging

Now over the years I have quite liked listening to and watching Alex Salmond, be it on TV or on the radio (naturally listening to the radio, watching on TV - stating the bleedin' obvious ed). On Question Time he always comes across as having some opinions of his own (unlike many MP's that simply follow the party line - political ed), though as the leader of the SNP (Scottish National Party) one might presume anything that he says is SNP policy.

But over the last week he and various SNP spokespersons have been whinging a great deal. This has come about as the main three parties at Westminster, the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Labour have all said that IF the Scots vote to leave the UK then none of the parties will let them have the pound. The response to this has been that the parties are "bullying" Scotland.

To cap this, Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Commission (is it me or is it just odd that no-one in the EU voted for this guy to become president - voting ed)  has come out saying that it is almost impossible that an independent Scotland would automatically get into the European Union. Barroso reckons that the SNP's idea of getting all 28 countries in the EU to vote them in within an 18 month time period is a total fantasy. To this the SNP reply that Barroso's comments are, "pretty preposterous" (very pleased with the use of the word preposterous, simply not used often enough - literary ed).

So come on Mr Salmond and your cohorts, come up with some sensibly formed arguments rather than the "yaboo sucks" that you are currently emanating.

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