Monday 23 January 2017

Definition: Trumpometer (of truth)

Trumpometer: A scale used to decide on the truthiness of a statement. The scale has a range zero (0) to one hundred (100).

Where: 0 means a total and out and out falsehood, or in new speak, "alternate truth", or "post truth", in The Oxford English Dictionary the simplest definition is quite simply lie.

Where 100: means true, without a shadow of a doubt and backed by reproducible facts from multiple trustworthy sources.

Donald Trump during the last USA general election had this range according to the Politifact web site.

Beau or The Black Hell Beast - RIP

It is with sadness and regret that I have to inform all of my readers that, The Last Cat, Beau aka The Black Hell Beast - made famous in the post The Olive Tree and The Cat has passed away.

He fell ill just before Xmas (along with most of the country, including Bridget - Dr Ed) - the application of vast quantities of antibiotics and the ingestion of copious tablets for nearly a month appeared to get him back to health (or as close to "health", as a 19 year old cat can get - vet ed), but then he caught another infection a couple of weeks ago.

This appeared to be and in fact turned out to be, The Final Straw (tm). He lost., not only his appetite but most of his remaining weight; then over the last 7-8 days leading up to last Saturday 21st January he was surviving on water alone and visibly failing, day by day .

We had hoped that he might simply give up the ghost of his own accord and go to the long sleep without any help, but sadly the vet had to be called out to administer some medication, that us humans have to go to clinics in Switzerland to get, to bring him to a slightly belated, peaceful end.

He now lies buried in the garden, not far from his long time litter mate, Oscar.

I intend to write a post all about his life, weaving in many of the stories that Bridget (in mourning and wearing black for an indefinite period - in requiem ed)  has told me.

I have already sketched this out in my head - and it may turn out to be quite long (when you say quite long, what do you mean - as "long" as the neverending Anguish in Aberdeen or hopefully much, much [much] shorter - hopefully pithy and to the point ed).

There is no deadline for this, as I refuse to put myself under any pressure as I think that Beau deserves my best work.

He is missed, even by me, which is quite a turn up for the books - I can tell you.

How did that happen?

A very belated Happy New Year to all my readers (particularly the one in Alaska, I will be sorting out that Canadian passport for you in a short while, much easier now that I am providing services to HMPO - fraudulent passports ed).

The end of last year came at a rate of knots that simply blew all my free time away, leading to this post being my first since November (really, November, wow - surprised ed)

Left the contract at HMRC near the Southbank (which for all my Instagram and Facebook followers has caused the dramatic drop in photos of St. Paul's - not Blogger ed), for various reasons, mainly because the office I was to work in was moved from the 6th Floor on Stamford St, with views of sky and interesting buildings (possibly even views of St. Paul's - but don't let anyone know - St Paul's promo ed) to a sub-basement in perhaps the ugliest building I have ever seen (might be some bias here - but there windows were 30ft up, few and far between  and unbelievably also barred. Felt like walking down into  a dungeon - ed)

Having worked in a sub-basement before, for a couple of months for the Home Office a couple of years ago, I wasn't prepared to so that again. Bit of a wrench (well huge one), as loved the team (Digital Digital Digital Contact - or the DC team as I managed to get it named - DC if you hadn't noticed being my initials! - self promo ed), the work, the building, the location, even (weird but true) the commute. Time enough to read, snooze or even write (many of my previous blogs have been done on the train, as some of the asides might show - ed).

For those who have been following me via Facebook and Instagram, you will have realised that I am now working at the Royal Pavilion, Aldershot (sadly a mistaken mistype made it Aldershit - which would be most unfair,  but perhaps slightly true. Honestly I am trying to find all the interesting bits to photo, but it is oh so hard! Having to focus on the sunrises, sky and trees - as very few interesting buildings - ed).

The photo's of the Red Elephant Tusks and the history of the hunting to the brink of extinction of the Red Elephants, as part of Queen Victoria's Summer entertainment, have been quite a hit (according to the Instagram statistics - ed). Seems I get many more comments and likes on Instagram and Facebook than here. Not quite sure why? Can you tell me why? Go on - comment or like or retweet (whatever that means? Can you retweet a blog post - or maybe it is just share, with your friends - or if you don't want to lose them, with people you don't like - promote the blog ed)

Now that the journey to and from Aldershot is finally becoming more of a routine and I have more substantially more time in the morning and evening due to the enormously shorter commute, I shall be buckling down and getting on with Anguish in Aberdeen - V for Vendetta (As the Beatles put it so well, "Yeah Yeah Yeah" - when will that one get done - ed)

After the difficulties in getting down the stairs at Terminal V (see Anguish in Aberdeen IV - ed), the next stage of the story (don't you mean extended blog post - confused of Aldershot ed)  gets me up to Aberdeen, after the short term loss of my phone, more interactions with "security" and the struggle to find my way from the plane at Aberdeen airport to "Arrivals", at the small, but oh so perfectly formed terminal building (being the last one off the plane, as I wasn't in a hurry, then having no-one to follow led me into the wrong kind of entrance and yet more chats with ground staff and the neverending supply of "security" staff. One can see why we have so many people employed on the Living Wage, they are ALL security staff at airports, car parks, office buildings, retail outlets and to be quite frank - every where I look  - ed)