Friday 16 October 2015

Indebted to Phil M Light

For a reminder email that I had failed to update my blog for a month.

My explanation, visit from our Australian friend Emerelda Blenkinsop, was admittedly the cause of part of it.

But on reflection (put the mirror down - reality ed) I hadn't realised that I hadn't.

My early verbal musings on this blog , have slowly morphed into a trail of blogged photos of the places and things that I see from day to day,  with little or no comment. (Good thing too, you might say - as a picture (photo) paints a thousand words or so they say - just who are they and why do 'they' seem to have the best lines?).

It's not that I don't have a lot to say. It's that I have so much to say on so many subjects and I can rant at length on them all (yes he really can - reality check ed)

5p on plastic bag is a case in point, or the ever changing  pensions situation, the government in one breath saying they are removing red tape while generating more and more ludicrous laws on everything....

Oh and then...income inequality, taxation, software development, climate change, legislation, our unfair voting system, the House of Lords, immigration, the NHS, transport , a new runway in the South East, our security, the situation in the Middle East, the rise of Putin and his use of Russian nationalism to impoverish the people just as each and every previous ruler, Scottish independence, understanding the great recession, economic forecasting  .... and he's off....

The other problem (Houston, we have a problem, bleep - space ed), is that to truly pontificate on these subjects I have to do investigation, which generally means lots of reading to try and get to what are the actual facts rather than what is being reported (if the facts aren't relevant to you  then I suggest you read the tabloid papers) by the media.

The reports about the child sexual exploitation in Rotherham being a case in point very tough reading that saps your faith in any authority to be make a right and common sensical decision.

Reading the laws, reading reports, looking into the government statistics, reading books (Russian history, 5 on the great recession alone, neuroscience, big data, AI, psychology, military history, geography, history of science), let alone reading novels for pleasure (not many if them of late, just the facts ma'am)

So you can see, finding time to put an even mildly researched opinion on an important subject out onto this blog is a time consuming task (any excuse - circulation ed).

What I need is more time, but probably a decent small computer with a good keyboard to enable me to type on the train rather than sleep (but the cat keeps waking me in the middle of the night). Will see what I can do.

Anyhow, toodle pip, just off to take Bridget out for a Birthday lunch.

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