Saturday 11 October 2014

View from top of Farnham castle

View from top of Farnam castle. My brother Paul visited the other weekend, and we took him out for breakfast at Cote in Farnham. Can highly recommend Cote, excellent service and great food at very reasonable prices.

Anyhow, after our late breakfast, we thought we needed a bit of a walk to let breakfast settle, so we went up the hill to see the castle.

Now I have been living in Alton for a few years now, and I had only recently found out that Farnham had a castle (for those confused about the geography - Alton is about 10 miles or so from Alton - so quite local - geography ed). But like many things, once you know it is there, you see it all of the time. So walking into Farnham and looking up, we spotted the castle on the hill. Been to Farnham many many time and had never spotted it before.... but it is there on top of the hill. How could I have ever missed it.

The hill up to the castle is a wee bit (little bit - Scottish ed) steep, but it is well worth the walk. Views from the highest point on the castle are super. Unfortunately part of the castle was unaccessible as was being used for a wedding.

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