Thursday 28 May 2015

Suggests that there is still a lot to do on Human Computer Interfaces

 James Patten: The best computer interface? Maybe ... your hands

Excellent argument on why the war on drugs needs to be ended

Ethan Nadelmann: Why we need to end the War on Drugs

Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture - funny, sad, uplifting and life enhancing - worth every moment of your time

Nothing I can add to this lecture. Outstanding,  with a brilliant head fake at the end.

Engaging talk about why, when in the US, you should not talk to the police

The professor is a very engaging talker, but the police officer is worth waiting for.

A very good explanation of why privacy matters

Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters

Best explanation I have come across of: life, the universe and everything and the answer is not 42

 Brian Greene: Is our universe the only universe

Interesting talk about the coming workforce crisis due to the retirement of all the baby boomers and various demographic factors

Rainer Strack: The workforce crisis of 2030 -- and how to start solving it now #TED :

Can you see the real me? Doctor? Doctor?

Kent School Photo from 1975.

Neon nativity

Ancient and modern encapsulated

Hmm cake

Bridget made a cake, though not for me, :-(

A proper rum shop in Barbados

Now that is what I call a local drinking establishment. Yes, that is me in the blue shirt.

Tree planted on death of Sir Winston Churchill in St Lawrence Churchyard, Alton

Plaque at base of oak tree in commemoration of the death of Sir Winston Churchill

Barbados flora (absolutely no butter)

Plants, trees and flowers in Barbados and from a visit to Orchid world.

Yes, yes, yes, we did go to Barbados again, this time for our 5th Wedding Anniversary.

Barbados Sunsets January 2015

A small selection of some of the best sunset photos, well you know that I like sunsets. One of the most outstanding is a cloud that looks a bit like the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. Obviously, IMHO.

David manages a selfie

Welcome to the 21st Century.

Boat in Southwold harbour

Particulary good fishing boat in Southworld harbour. Spotted this the weekend we visited Aunt Lucy. Summed up Southwold harbour.

Our Spring garden.

Our Spring garden in Alton

And a hello to you too. Car number plate spotted in Alton

It pays to keep your eyes open and your phone to hand.

Spotted outside Reading station, well it made me laugh

Aliens at large in Reading.

Guess the job of this car owner

Spotted at the kerbside in Reading.

What a terrible way to treat a minion

How despicable.

Funniest toilet seat I've ever seen

Someone on South West trains has a sense of humour.