Thursday 12 June 2014

Tracks in the sky, Alton and London

Still staring at the sky when on walkabout and spotted very similar skies first thing in Alton on the way to catch the train, then over Parliament as I walked over Westminster Bridge.

One of these days I am going to fall over a tourist who has taken to lying on the pavement to get a good photo of Parliament whilst I am staring upwards.

I have noticed the arrival of padlocks being attached in large numbers to the Parliament side of the bridge. I reckon Boris needs to arrange to get them removed  - very ugly and unnecessary.

Reflections on the way to work

I like spotting reflections like these as I wander about throughout the day. I do have quite a few others dotted about in my photo collection.

These were near Marsham street and reflections off a couple of different doors. Looks like an 'O' and Roman Numerals II. Obviously IMHO.

(He's sees things all the time - overactive imagination I reckon - psychologist ed) 

Statues in St James Square on route between Indigoblue offices and Marsham St

Some rather lovely statues that I noticed walking to the Indigoblue offices on Wednesday morning. Unfortunately couldn't take a photo at that time as the old mobile was a little light on charge. So on the way back to the Home Office, with mobile fully charged took them.

The statue of the man/tree with a hole in the heart and roots was particularly striking.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Bird with ginormous beak spotted on roof in Alton.

Enormous beaked bird that was spotted whilst walking through Alton with my brother last Sunday. On further inspection we worked out that it was holding a ice cream cone in its beak!  So some child, somewhere was crying due to a dropped ice cream code. Never mind, at least it entertained us for a few minutes whilst we worked out that it was not a real beak.

Friday 6 June 2014

Thursday night sunset

Sunset captured from the Waterloo to Alton train on Thursday night.

If you keep your eyes open you can spot some lovely sunsets when you are travelling by train, the problem is waiting for a gap in the houses and trees to manage to take the photo. What spoils these to some degree are the reflected lights from inside the train.

Even so not too bad a set of photos (how many this time - ed). There are only six.

Hertfordshire Show May 25th 2014

Various photos around the showground. We went to the show with our friends Tom & Grazia. We arrived early on the Sunday morning and were there wandering around soaking up the sun and the ambience from around 8:30 until 3:30pm.  Good thing we arrived early, as the gates were shut around noon as the show was full!

The are quite a few photos of the gorgeous sky, as the clouds were out in huge numbers!

There is a video, of around 25 minutes where we got to see a sheep being sheared, and more importantly the dancing sheep (what do you mean, the sheep actually danced ? - ed). Well, yes, they shook a leg at least - that is right at the end of the video. The sheep shearer kept up a good level of patter leading up to the dancing sheep moments, which may be worth a watch if you have some moments to spare.

Beautiful sunset

Beautiful sunset seen outside Martin's Pond pub in Potten End, Herts. Some lovely reflections in the pond too.

Face made of clouds

Face made of clouds which I spotted to the south of St. Lawrence Church in Alton a few weeks ago.

It obviously pays to keep an eye on the sky!