Wednesday 24 July 2013

Interesting Book List - Naturally IMHO

This is not by any accounts a complete list of books I would recommend, but it will do for starters!

Explanations (comprehensible) of The Recent Financial Crash
  • Big Short - Michael Lewis
  • Whoops (Why everyone owes everyone and no one can pay) - John :Lanchester

Just Plain Interesting and difficult to categorise
  • Watching The English - Kate Fox
  • Risk - Dan Gardner
  • Flat Earth News - Nick Davies
  • Bounce - Matthew Syed
  • The Memory Bank - Keith Hart
  • The Chimp Paradox - Dr Steve Peters
  • Why Most Things Fail - Paul Ormerod
  • 59 Seconds, Think a Little, Change a Lot - Richard Wiseman

Humourous History
  • 1000 Years of Annoying The French - Stephen Clarke
  • An Utterly Exasperated History of Modern Britain - John O’Farrell
  • An Utterly Impartial History of Britain - John O’Farrell

Serious History
  • The Rise & Fall of the Great Powers - Paul Kennedy
  • Why The West Rules For Now - The Patterns of history and what they reveal about the future - Ian Morris
  • Why Nations Fail - Daron Acemoglu & James A Robinson
  • World Civilizations - Burns, Ralph, Lerner, Meacham
  • Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
  • The Wealth and Poverty of Nations - David Landes
  • D-Day - Anthony Bevoir
  • The Myth of Decline - The Rise of Britain Since 1945 - George L Bernstein

Economics and Predictions Thereof
  • Solutions For The World’s Biggest Problems - Bjorn Lomborg
  • The Skeptical Environmentalist - Bjorn Lomborg
  • Fooled By Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • The World in 2020 - Hamish McRae
  • Just Capital - Adair Turner
  • Inevitable Surprise - Peter Schwarz
  • The Rational Optimist - Matt Ridley
  • 20:21 Vision: The Lessons of the 20th Century for the 21st - Bill Emmott

Comment on Current Affairs in Britiain
  • Scared To Death - Christopher Booker & Richard North
  • The Real Global Warming Disaster - Christopher Booker
  • All Must Have Prizes - Melanie Philips
  • The Welfare State We’re In - James Bartholomew
  • The Rise Of Political Lying - Peter Oborne
  • Bring Home the Revolution: The Case for a British Republic - Jonathan Freedland

Monday 22 July 2013

Holy Elephant Garlic Batman

Seems that garlic harvesting is going well this year.

This was the first of the elephant garlics to be harvested, we were a little gobsmacked at the size of it!

Followed the instructions to cut off the garlic flower heads when they appeared to force the growth of the bulbs.

Seemed to have worked a treat.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Hi 8 us

There has been a rather large hiatus (not some kind of colourful flower, but a pause - literary ed) since my last post. You may be wondering why that is or you maybe quite happy that there has been a gap in the twaddle factor emanating from hereabouts.

Anyhow, this is simply a short post to let you all know that I am still alive (and well? - medical ed) and will be doing the odd blog or so over the coming days and weeks.

I will try and pick up where I left off, in that I appear to have quite a few posts in the pipeline. But we will have to see where the blogging  muse takes me (terpsichore, dancing with words perhaps  - literary ed).